Winter Training 2022/23

We hope everyone has enjoyed the winter training sessions so far.

The next club target race is the Knavesmere Brass Monkey a half marathon in York on 15th January. Entries are now closed but transfers are allowed so if you have not been lucky enough to secure a place keep an eye out on the local running Facebook pages. Even if this is not a target race for you, training for this over winter should set you up for the start of spring marathon training or other ‘A’ race training plans starting in the new year. 

The focus for this block is more hills, reps and vo2 max sessions. The aim is to continue building strength, durability and fitness while the weather conditions are less favourable. 

Some sessions are shorter and so for these, you might want to consider a longer warm-up and cool-down in addition to any club warm to help avoid injury, especially in colder weather. 

There are two new sessions included in this block. One of 3×6 minute efforts on the new Bailliol course and a 20-minute out-and-back tempo on the quayside. We also want to try introducing pyramid-style sessions for speedwork and initially trial this at Thursday quayside sessions. 

These new sessions will require groups to run to pace to get the best out of them and so again a shout out for volunteers to help pace at sessions and lead the groups. The more volunteers we have the more we can increase the variety and quality of the sessions. If you are willing to volunteer as group leader it does not stop you from doing the session itself whilst also giving a little something back to the club. If you wish to volunteer please let Caroline Billis know.

Happy running and remember to keep wearing your high-viz kit during the darker months. We have lots of new club-branded high-viz kit from Kits 4 All which members who have received theirs so far have all commented on the good fit and excellent value for money.