Training Schedule For Next Target Race

The next target race in our training schedule is the Great North Run on Sunday September 11th. The below explains a little bit about how and why the training sessions have been chosen for the next 12 weeks leading up to the GNR.

We have divided the next twelve weeks into two distinct blocks. The first six weeks will focus on building a base of longer reps and tempo runs followed by four weeks of quality sessions which will include a mixture of vo2 max, lactate threshold and tempo runs and then a two week taper in the run up to the big day. Its advised to try and build your mileage with midweek and weekend runs over the next six weeks as well but no more than 15% per week.

If the Great North Run is not your target race but you are looking to do an autumn half marathon or marathon then adjust accordingly and use the sessions to continue to build your base and increase your mileage until you are six weeks out from your target race.

Great North Run
Great North Run