Rising Sun Parkrun Takeover

Saturday saw Heaton Harriers take over the volunteering roles at the Rising Sun Parkrun.

In total 32 Heaton Harriers volunteered across all the roles which left a very healthy-looking roster for the core team. Not only did we have 32 volunteers we also had 22 Heaton Harriers running, pacing, or walking the Parkrun. Thankfully the rain stayed off during the run and we all remained dry.

Huge thanks to everyone that gave up their Saturday morning to give something back to Parkrun and the running community. It was quite cold out on the course and standing around for 1 hour plus is not an easy thing to ask people to do. The club and the core team at Rising Sun were very happy with the response from our members, so thank you. We did this one as a thanks to Rising Sun for letting us advertise our Memorial Races last November but after the success of January Town Moor volunteer takeover members requested we did another one at the Rising Sun so thank you for making this happen. We will be looking to do more in the future and make this at least an annual event so watch this space.