Brampton to Carlisle 2022

Brampton to Carlisle 10 mile Race – Sunday 20th November 10:00am.

If you are interested in running the Brampton to Carlisle 10 mile road race this year please respond via the Spond app to register your interest for the club organised bus. This is to understand the numbers interested for now. As in previous years, the bus will drop us off at Brampton and collect from the finish in Carlisle. Price to members will be £18pp. Ideally, please respond via the Spond app. If that is not possible, please email the club secretary.

Update 15th September: Entries are now open via the Race Entries website and spaces are quickly filling on the club bus so if you are interested please let John James or the Secretary know ASAP to get your place. When entering for the race online DO NOT click the bus option – our organised club bus is different to this option. To pay the £18 for the club bus please transfer it to the usual Heaton Harriers account with the reference B2C Bus and then your initials.

The Wm Coulthard & Co Ltd Brampton to Carlisle 10 Mile Road Race organised by Border Harriers & Athletic Club is the oldest 10 mile road race in the United Kingdom. The first race was completed in 1952. The course takes the competitors from Brampton to Carlisle via the B6264 and is fast and accurately measured by a UK Athletics accredited measurer. Previous winners include Steve Cram and Ron Hill.

Course records are Men: Nick Sloan – 45min 50 sec.  Women: Angie Pain – 51min 50sec.