Our club committee meets monthly to discuss all club matters. If you want to join the club committee there is an opportunity before our AGM to do so. All roles with the exception of president and chairperson are open to any club member irrespective of age, gender, or length of membership.

Those seeking election onto the committee are nominated and seconded at the AGM held annually in accordance with the Club Constitution. If a nomination is accepted by club members at the AGM, then the nominee will be accepted as a committee member for the following year. Our current year runs from October to October. Those already in position can also stand for re-election in the respective posts.

Our current club committee is:

What Does the Committee Do?

The committee meets monthly at Cochrane Park to discuss any matters arising that affect the club, track and field competitions (including development opportunities), cross country, our club races and future races (club championships), membership, club finances, juniors, club awards, social events and any club member concerns. Any items that could affect the club constitution eg annual membership fees may be discussed but any decisions will be made at the club AGM which will be open to all members to attend – usually held in October.

All members of the committee take part in the decision making and motions are carried forward by a majority rule. Where committee members are unavailable to attend, they let the club secretary know in advance of the meeting. If the chairperson, secretary and treasurer (the three club officers) are unavailable to attend, the meeting is either postponed or rescheduled. All committee members represent the ‘club’s voice’ and act on your behalf in the best interests of the club. They are responsible for the production of policies (agreed at the AGM where appropriate) and keep club members informed of any changes that are required. If any issue has been raised by a club member it will be discussed (in confidence) at the committee meeting and any appropriate resolution/response will be disseminated. The committee will also aim to increase awareness and advertise club races (Anita Nott, Memorial Race, XC etc), promote road races, Track and Field, XC events and encourage club members to get involved in club activities (volunteering, coaching and marshaling).

President – George Routledge

  • To ensure that the aims and future direction of the Club is undertaken within the auspices of the constitution of the Club and the rules of the governing bodies.
  • To ensure the club activities are in the best interest of the club’s standing regionally and nationally.
  • To advise on the direction, focus and future of the club.
  • To present awards on behalf of the club.

Chairperson – Jason Wall and Ellen Cole

  • To ensure that the aims and future direction of the Club is undertaken within the auspices of the constitution of the club and rules of the governing bodies.
  • To ensure the club activities are in the best interest of the club’s standing regionally and nationally.
  • To keep an up-to-date knowledge and understanding of UK Athletics policies and to address the potential impact on the club.
  • To make sure the Club is represented at external meetings and/or included in discussion/consultation that could affect the Club activities (eg NOTAN, EA, Northern Athletics).
  • Presides over the Committee meetings to ensure that meetings are properly conducted, following a set agenda and that all have the opportunity to discuss or make decisions.
  • To ensure the meetings are conducted in an open, transparent, fair, efficient manner and where appropriate in confidence.
  • To ensure that all actions identified in the meetings are completed in a timely manner.

Club Secretary – Dave Brignall

  • To book committee meetings and notify committee members of forthcoming meetings.
  • Prepare the agenda (with additional items for discussion) for forthcoming meetings.
  • Raise any matters outstanding/arising from previous minutes.
  • Take minutes at meetings and send them to committee members.
  • Keep minutes (electronic) of all past meetings.
  • To circulate to all club members (where members have agreed following a change in GDPR legislation) information relating to club activities, news and forthcoming events.
  • To deal with any club queries.
  • To administer club correspondence and delegate to committee member as appropriate.
  • To remain up to date with any coaching, leadership or other courses that are upcoming that may be of benefit to club members and to the club and to alert the captains and committee.
  • To review all club policies and procedures and update accordingly for agreement by the committee.
  • To ensure website and Cochrane Park fees are paid (alert treasurer as appropriate).
  • To apply for London marathon club entries.
  • In the event of an accident/incident during club activities, to complete and submit the UKA incident form as per accident/incident policy.

Club Treasurer – Jeremy Smith

  • To look after the financial interests of the Club and make sure that the deposit and savings accounts are properly kept and audited.
  • To ensure the Committee receives monthly financial information (income and expenditure)
  • To flag any financial issues or concerns that may arise (eg in relation to recurring increased costs/fees that may affect the club’s financial stability)
  • Preparation of year-end statement of accounts (Accounts run yearly to end of August)
  • To present the audited accounts at the AGM
  • To make sure payments are finalised (for example to England Athletics for membership fees, website fees, Cochrane Park, race permits, track and field league fees, XC fees)
  • To ensure payment to committee members expenditure in the interest of the club eg club trophies, prize monies, catering.

Club Captains – Scott McEntee, Laura Percy, Calum Mills and Jacqueline Turner

  • To be the main point of contact for Club members (in relation to training, and competition)
  • To meet new members and introduce them to the club (or delegate to coaches/leaders on training days as appropriate)
  • To input into the Club’s training sessions (Tuesday & Thursday) and to accommodate/assess capability and/or opportunity for any additional training sessions as appropriate.
  • To make regular announcements (or delegate to the coach/leader and/or secretary) to keep the club members informed of any upcoming events, successes and any other club announcements.
  • To coordinate and organise teams for relays and team events
  • To remain up to date with any coaching, leadership or other courses that are upcoming that may be of benefit to club members and to the club and to alert the secretary and committee
  • To report to the committee any issues, concerns or information that have been raised.

Juniors Captain – Jason Wall and Aaron Matheson

  • To be the main point of contact for Club members (in relation to training, and competition)
  • To make sure the junior’s training sessions undertaken are conducted in a safe enjoyable manner that follows the guidelines and principles outlined in the clubmark and UKA development programme
  • To report to the committee any issues, concerns or information that have been raised.
  • To encourage recruitment and participation in all junior age category competitions (Track and Field, XC, road)
  • To be fully conversant with child protection and safeguarding policies and ensure compliance of the policies in training and competition events.

Membership Secretary – Allen Mullis

  • To be the main point of contact for any queries relating to new and current Club membership.
  • To manage membership applications
  • Keep an up-to-date and accurate record of each club member’s details in accordance with GDPR legislation.
  • To regularly update records held with club secretary in accordance with GDPR legislation.
  • To manage the club’s England Athletic affiliation and any other appropriate club affiliation
  • To manage all club members’ registration with England Athletics.
  • Maintain records of club members that hold coaching/leadership qualifications
  • Maintain records of club members that hold DBS certification
  • To present to the committee, on a monthly basis, new members for consideration, the status of members transferring from another club (eligibility to compete) and any other information relating to membership changes (eg from England Athletics).

Club Welfare Officer – Ellen Cole

  • To be the main point of contact for any welfare issue, concern or to report any suspected cases of misconduct or poor practice.
  • To make sure after the initial contact the appropriate actions have been taken/committee informed
  • To make sure that club members are all treated fairly and equitably irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs.
  • To make sure the Clubs duty of care policy is up to date in liaison with club secretary and committee
  • To make sure child protection policy is up to date in liaison with club secretary and committee
  • To ensure their knowledge and understanding of these policies are up to date and followed by all club members and at all times

Club Kit Officer – Chris George

  • To maintain an inventory of all club apparel.
  • To ensure that all club apparel (especially vests) are available for new members.
  • To carry out a stock take periodically and order new kit every 3 months (on receipt of member payment).
  • To advertise club kit on offer and when orders are to be placed.

Data Protection Officer

  • To be the main contact in relation to GDPR and the information Heaton Harriers & AC hold.
  • To ensure compliance with our club’s data policy.

Race Director/Organisers – Jason Wall, Jacqueline Turner and George Routledge

  • To undertake a full and evaluative risk assessment of the event.
  • To apply for UKA race permit.
  • To contact UKA and arrange for officials to be present (race adjudicator, race officials, timekeepers).
  • To arrange St Johns Ambulance crew are present.
  • To book race HQ.
  • To contact local authority representatives for permission to run the event (LA, Police, landowners).
  • To contact ResultsBase to negotiate online entry system.
  • To ensure some form of electronic entry system is operational for late entries on the day of the event – data to be transferred to ResultsBase on site.
  • To ensure sufficient water/diluting squash, confectionery is available.
  • To liaise with the treasurer regarding payment of fees, prize monies, participant entries, and consumables.
  • To ensure participants are aware of Heaton Harriers GDPR policy and to ensure compliance of the policy.
  • To ensure annual trophies are returned from past winners in an appropriate timescale.
  • To ensure sufficient volunteers and marshals are available for the event and have undertaken a race debrief on the day of the event.
  • To ensure all volunteers are aware of the roles, duties and responsibilities on the day.
  • To ensure race marshals are fully conversant with the race route.
  • To ensure the race route is appropriately marked and any hazards highlighted (notice/red and white tape/cones) en route.
  • To ensure full documentation/permits and insurance notices are prominent at race HQ.
  • To ensure directions from race HQ to the start are visible and unambiguous.
  • To ensure correct prizes are awarded for appropriate categories (male, female, team, age).
  • To undertake a debrief following the event and disseminate to the committee.

England Athletics Coaches:
Caroline Billis, Debbie Hicks, Trevor Hopkins, Aaron Matheson and Jason Wall.

England Athletics Run Leaders (LIRF):
David Bullock, Andy Burden, Ellie Clark, Ellen Cole, Ben Cook, Iain McKinnon, Andrew Norton, Laura Oldfield, Laura Percy, Jacqueline Turner and Baljit Watson.

  • To be an additional point of contact for Club members (in relation to training, and competition).
  • To meet new members and introduce them to the club (if delegated/appropriate to do so by captains on training days).
  • To input into the Club’s training sessions (Tuesday & Thursday) and to accommodate/assess capability and/or opportunity for any additional training sessions as appropriate.
  • To make regular announcements at the beginning of the club session to inform what the club session entails, ensure members run in appropriate groups and delegate coach/leader per group, and keep the club members informed of any upcoming events, successes, and any other club announcements.
  • To regroup all members at the session location start.
  • To start each group/delegate responsibility to a leader in each group.
  • To ensure all members safely finish and are accounted for the club session.
  • To ensure all members can safely return to Cochrane Park or have been informed that members will find their own way home from completion of the session.
  • To report to the committee any issues, concerns, or information that have been raised.
  • In the event of an incident to facilitate first aiders where appropriate and/or depending on the severity of the incident contact paramedics.
  • In the event of an incident inform the club secretary with details and complete the incident/accident form as per club policy.