Following a successful trial we are adopting the Spond app within Heaton Harriers. Please do sign up and make use of it, it should prove very useful if used correctly. Sign up requires a mobile number or email address which should cover all members who are likely to have at least one of these criteria.
It’ll help us organise sessions and events while also allowing us to do polls, gauge attendance and provide an additional method of communication. It’s important to bare in mind that the new website is now the primary way of accessing any Heaton Harriers news and this is a companion app to work alongside and compliment it. The app also provides notifications which helps to bridge the gap for those who don’t use Facebook.
The app will be for Heaton Harriers members only as such we’re not sharing the link to join here, instead please find the link on Facebook or via email which should be received soon. If you need the link, please get in touch via this address.
NOTE: The personal information you provide (name, e-mail, telephone number, picture (if submitted) and any information you post) is visible for other members of the individual Spond group where you are a member or other participants to events where you participate. You can choose that only the group administrator should have access to your email address and phone number. Be advised your home address isn’t mandatory so there’s no need to fill in this field. See the privacy policy on the Heaton Harriers website if more information is required.